Nordöstliche Randalpen |
Country/ Region: Austria, Lower Austria
Dimension: 64,066 ha
Biogeographic region: Alpine
Altitude: 2070 m above sea level
Characteristics: Alpine limestone habitats in the plateaux of Raxalpe and Schneeberg and thermophile plant communities in the area of Hohe Wand.
Tourism: Very popular area for day visitors from Vienna.
Fotos: Wirth |
Ötscher-Dürrenstein |
Country/ Region: Austria, Lower Austria
Dimension: 42,617 ha
Biogeographic region: Alpine
Altitude: 370 m- 1885m above sea level
Characteristics: Large, near-natural deciduous forests; habitat of the brown bear.
Tourism: Popular area for hiking and skiing for visitors from Lower Austria and Vienna.
Ötscher-Dürrenstein: AVL-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vegetationsökologie & Landschaftsplanung |
Wienerwald-Thermenregion |
Country/ Region: Austria, Lower Austria
Dimension: 52,296 ha
Biogeographic region: Alpine
Altitude: 170 m - 830 m above sea level
Characteristics: Large unfragmented beech forests.
Tourism: Visitors mainly from Vienna visit the area for day and short trips and for local recreation.
Wienerwald-Thermenregion: Knoll - Planung & Beratung
© ALPNATOUR | Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pröbstl | Impressum |